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The Shropshire Music Trust (SMT) trustees decided in mid-March, with deep regret, to cancel the remaining concerts of the 2019/20 SMT season. We looked to see if we could find a way of continuing the season, but we had to accept that this was not possible, given government advice and the potential risks involved. All SMT concerts, outreach activities and other events are cancelled or postponed until further notice.

All ticket-holders for cancelled events should now have been refunded and we are extremely grateful to those who have shown their support for SMT by donating all or some of their refunds back to the Trust.

Join our Mailing List to be sure you hear details of our next season as soon as they are announced.

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Thank you.

© 2025.  Shropshire Music Trust, c/o
17 Whitehall Street, Shrewsbury, SY2 5AD.
 Reg. Charity number 515026.   Cookies and Privacy Policy