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With summer approaching fast your trustees have been working hard on putting together a programme for the 2021/22 season which, we hope, will begin in the autumn. We have been in touch with a number of musical groups, including some whose concerts had to be cancelled last year and some provisional dates have been agreed. We cannot go firm on these until some of the current uncertainties have been cleared up.

For example – we don't have control over our venues so we don't know their requirements over social distancing nor do we know what restrictions might be imposed by central government that make it difficult to host live performances.

We will provide advance notice of our programme when the situation becomes clearer and we will also put details on our website. There is, however, one exception.  The Christmas concert which is given every year by Ex Cathedra has been booked for Friday 3 December at St. Chad's Church at 7.30 pm. Please put this into your diary – we will let you know as soon as tickets are on sale.

You may also like to look at (or revisit) the excellent series of programmes put together by Zoe Beyers in our Music Room project which ended in December. Videos of the talks and inspirational performances are still available on our website www.shropshiremusic 

Your Trustees

© 2024.  Shropshire Music Trust, c/o
17 Whitehall Street, Shrewsbury, SY2 5AD.
 Reg. Charity number 515026.   Cookies and Privacy Policy