Supporters Scheme

Shropshire Music Trust acknowledges the huge part played by volunteers in putting on its concerts.  We are always in need of people to help with the selling of programmes and the serving of refreshments, and increasingly there is a need for additional stewards.  If you feel you would like to get involved at any of our concerts this season, please contact Chris Stephens ( or Simon Cousins ( Thank you.

The rich diversity of Shropshire Music Trust’s work would simply not be possible without the generous help of individuals who volunteer their time or support us financially – or both. They are vital in helping us achieve our charitable mission to share great music with as many people as possible.


We gratefully acknowledge the huge part played by volunteers in putting on our concerts. We are always in need of people to help with the selling of programmes and the serving of refreshments, and increasingly there is a need for additional stewards. If you feel you would like to get involved at any of our concerts this season, please contact Chris Stephens (This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.) or Simon Cousins (This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.). Thank you.

Supporters Scheme

We no longer receive any regular funding from local authorities or the Arts Council, so we need your help more than ever to help maintain the high quality of concerts and to engage thousands of people each year both in the main Season and in Outreach projects for the young, elderly and disadvantaged.

You may not realise that our annual box office income cannot cover the full cost and on its own accounts for only about 80% of the money needed each year to sustain our programme of work. We therefore require additional funds to deliver this and keep great music in Shropshire flowing.

Please help us if you can by joining or renewing your support:

Be a Friend - from £30 single per year or £3 per month
Be a Patron - from £75 per year or £7 per month
Be an Associate - from £200 per year or £17 per month
Be a Benefactor - from £400 per year or £34 per month
Be a Philanthropist - for donations of £1,000 or above per year
When you donate to our scheme, we will add your name to our list of supporters on this website and in our concert programmes unless you tell us that you would like to be acknowledged under different or joint names or you tell us you would prefer to remain anonymous. In these cases we ask you to let us know by email to This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it..

To support us, you can:

— Make a regular donation by Direct Debit through our Charities Aid Foundation (CAF) account.
— Make a one-off donation by credit card, PayPal or your CAF Account through our Charities Aid Foundation (CAF) account.

Please Gift Aid your donation if you can; it enables us to claim an additional 25p per £1 you donate.

— Leave Shropshire Music Trust a Gift – a bequest or an endowment – in your Will. For further information, visit our Legacies page.

It is great to know that so many of you share our belief in the power of music to enrich our lives and the lives of those around us. Thank you for all the support you give.

Thank You!

Our Friends and Patrons

SHROPSHIRE MUSIC TRUST WOULD LIKE TO THANK a large number of donors who would like to remain anonymous and...


Who wish to remain anonymous



Stephen Caney
Trevor & Sandie Johnson
Ted Maidment


Mrs Daphne Capps
Jane Elliott & Stuart Fox
Robin & Diane Jacob
Terry & Nicky Lipscombe
Andrew Petch
Margaret Thorpe
Roger & Jan Thornhill
Drs David & Margaret Williams
Celia & Iain Wright


Dr Ken & Mrs Lyn Addison
Dr & Mrs Michael Arthur
Dr & Mrs Roger Banks
Martin Beardwell
Linda & William Edmondson
Professor & Mrs Tony Elliot
Christopher & Jill Etherington
Mrs Christine Green
Mrs Lois Jones
Sir David & Lady Lees
Martin & Margaret Locke
Peter Phillips
Alberto Porras & Caroline Evans de Porras
John Reavey
Gail Richards & Dic Bickerton
Peter Roscoe
Graham Russell
Dr Alan Shrank
Carolyn Stewart
Sally G Stote
Brigadier Nigel Sturt
Geoff & Lorna Taylor
Roger Terry
Amanda Thorn
Tim Ward & Annis Bratt
Richard White
Elizabeth (Tiki) Wilson


Mr F G Bayliss
Mike Curtis & Vicki Sivess
Ruth Dennis-Jones
Cynthia Hall
Ms Migs Lewis
Margaret Lloyd & Alan Miller
Tony & Averil Newell
Louise Nixon
Frank North
Julian & Jane Povey
Donald Thompson
Janet Thouless
Daphne Woodhouse
© 2025.  Shropshire Music Trust, c/o
17 Whitehall Street, Shrewsbury, SY2 5AD.
 Reg. Charity number 515026.   Cookies and Privacy Policy